View Full Version : Write As you Pronounce Hindi

24-12-2016, 02:02 AM
I think these two newly added sounds ॅ and ॉ may replace lots of nasal sounds in teachable Hindi.

How many viewers here agree with this proposal in reforming Hindi spellings for an easy readable Roman Transliteration.

् ा ि ी ु ू ॅ े ै ॉ ो ौ ं ं ः

ि > ी
ू > ु
ं >न् / म्
ें > ॅ
ों > ॉ
़ > not used in Sanskrit and in regional languages

Hindi / हिंदी >हिन्दी>हीन्दी
bank /बैंक >बॅन्क /bæŋk/bænk(IPA) baenk


rajnish manga
24-12-2016, 09:35 AM
हम पहले से ही इनमे से अधिकतर का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं.