View Full Version : Group Discussion and its importance

14-01-2010, 11:54 AM
Most of the Companies use Group Discussions as the next step in the selection process after written examination. That is the reason why Group Discussion has become very important criteria for selection and rejection of candidates in campus placements.

GD is a methodology used by an organisation/institution to gauge whether a candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. Normally, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss it among themselves for some time. Topics can be from a wide range of issues.

It could be a topic on current events, business news, sports or anything very general. The wider your reading interests, the better prepared you will be to face the group discussion. A Group discussion tests how you function as a part of a team.

Here are some tips for effective participation in a GD

•Understand. Understand the topic before attempting to contribute.
•Speak. Try and get a chance to speak. If you can't get a chance to speak make your chance.
•Initiate. Take the initiative to begin the discussion, if possible.
•Structure. Structure arguments logically - justify your stand.
•Summarise. Summarise the discussion effectively.
•Involve. Take active part throughout the GD.
•Assert. Be assertive.
•Articulate. Work continuously towards articulating your ideas into meaningful sentences to make the best impact. Be clear in your speech.
•Emphasise. Use non-verbal communication to emphasise points.
•Listen. Be an attentive listener.
•Quality, not quantity matters; it's not ‘how much' you say, but ‘what' you say that's important.

To prepare for a group discussion, keep track of happenings around the world. Being aware of current affairs and issues and happenings, which affect our lives, however remotely, shows a well-rounded personality. Make a habit of reading newspapers and magazines, watch interesting documentaries and profiles on television to get a wider perspective on issues.

As an individual, your intelligence, general knowledge and core competencies are measured through the aptitude test. As a team player, your ability to lead and play in team is measured in the GD. As the world of work calls for you to lead and follow, work independently and as a team, to fall back on the fundamentals learnt at school and university as well as a broader worldview, both the aptitude test and GD are effectively used by employers worldwide to shortlist well rounded candidates for their organisation.

14-01-2010, 03:17 PM
Nice article, really GD is very important criteria for getting good jobs in this competitive world.