View Full Version : Aromatherapy to Quit Smoking

fitbody jilugo
13-01-2011, 01:56 PM
There are a number of Natural ways to quit smoking . Among them Aromatherapy is an ancient art which uses plant, herb oils and flowers. The art of inhaling essentials oils to heal our bodies or influence emotions dates back to thousands of years. The Royal families of ancient Egypt used aromatic oils for various treatments. The Toltecs and Aztecs of pre-Columbian Mexico had special houses built of stone to treat physical and mental disturbances with steamy herb vapors. Science today confirms that scent can arouse feelings, suppress urges and also provide cure for physical ailments.

The sense of smell is guided by the olfactory nerve receptors and it is the only one of the senses which is directly connected to the brain. The olfactory receptors have tiny hair like nerves which capture the aroma particles and transfer the message directly to the brain. When inhaled, the scent molecules directly reach the olfactory system of the brain bypassing the blood. They reach the limbic system which controls emotions, memory, stress response, metabolic function and sexual arousal. Hence the effects of aromatherapy are almost immediate and is non-habit forming. Aromatherapy is also free from any side effects.

There are aromatherapy combinations which are known to induce a feeling of calmness and help to combat the effects of nicotine addiction. Natural quit smoking remedies utilize aromatherapy where herbs, oils, plants and flowers are distilled and packed into balanced solutions which help detoxifies the body and brings back the balance and harmony. Black pepper oil is known to ease the cravings of smokers. A few drops of Lavender essential oil help calm nerves when the smoker becomes agitated with the withdrawal symptoms.

01-07-2011, 03:20 PM
Teenagers need proper nutrition to sustain them during puberty and growth spurts. Nutrition for teenagers is easily neglected because of peer pressure and active lifestyles, often resulting in unhealthy weights and poor immune systems. Also, since most teenagers now choose their own food, they may not be getting enough nutrients from regular meals.

09-02-2013, 02:41 PM
I've never felt so weak in my entire life. I want to quit smoking so badly but every time I try I only find myself obsessing on wanting a cigarette. My roommates smoke, my friends smoke and it seems like we all want to quit but end up caving for one reason or another. Does anyone have any advice that could help me?