View Full Version : 1411 Tigers left In India : Save Our Tigers

06-02-2010, 10:01 AM
Tigers are facing major population losses & extinction. Tigers are killed for sport, skins & body parts.

There are only 1,411 tigers left in India. By 1988, If proper care is taken about them they will extinct soon!

86 deaths reported in 2009.

In 2008, there were more than 40 Project Tiger. Tiger Reserves of India covering an area over 37,761 km².

There are 37 Tiger sanctuaries in India.However, 17 sanctuaries are on the verge of losing their tiger population.

The Bengal tiger is endangered because it is poached for its body parts to cater to an illegal market.

Help Saving Tiger before they extinct. Tiger is our national animal, symbol of wilderness and well-being of the ecosystem. By conserving and saving tigers the entire wilderness ecosystem is conserved. In nature, barring human beings and their domesticates, rest of the ecosystem is wild. Hence conserving wilderness is important and crucial to maintain the life support system. So saving tiger amounts to saving the ecosystem which is crucial for man’s own survival.

07-02-2010, 06:41 AM
It is very difficult to save the tigers. We don't have land for them. The population of India is increasing at an alarming rate. Everyday, we are cutting thousand of trees for construction purposes. I don't think we have any solution. Just posting messages on forums will not change the scenario..

07-02-2010, 11:47 AM
This is because a hungry tiger will never eat grass. I think tigers should become vegetarian. It will solve the problem.. :gm::gm: