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jai_bhardwaj 17-01-2013 07:55 PM

Re: heart touching stories.
Suspense Short Story


Wrinkles were settling on his face, making their way through his once firm white skin.

“Youth”, he told himself, “is gone since long.”

His mirror always reminded him of this gnawing detail. And as he heard himself in his mind, another voice reminded him of his loneliness. There was no one to tell him that he was still young, and maybe he needed no one. The only person he wanted to hear this from was gone, far away. And the rest, well… They were just there, calling, or dropping in from time to time. They were simply present, nothing more.

He sipped his tea, still looking for something in the mirror. His teeth had fallen, and a new pair of jaws was dipped in a glass of water. He had to put it back, if he wanted to eat the new biscuits his elder son had sent for him through a messenger. The yellow packet was on the table behind him. But he was too lazy to put on his teeth and go and open that packet, then crunch those biscuits with his loosening gums.

He threw himself onto the rocking armchair, and went to and fro. His hand automatically reached for his cigarette box. He found it at the usual spot, just on the right side of his chair. He took out one, lit it up, took a puff, and then looked at the case. “She’s smiling at me… I know she is.”

With a little strain, he stood up, and leaving behind his cane, walked to the window. A beautiful day shone outside, and the bright sunlight seeped in though the little space between the two curtains. He tore them apart. The light basked the room after a very long time. Layers of amassed dust shone over the furniture, like little pieces of glass crushed under the weight of something very heavy.

The lights pricked his ageing eyes, but he grew accustomed to it very soon. He was looking at a neglected pathway, where the grass had already flourished into a small jungle, where, had he been a small boy, he would have gone to look for the most formidable creatures of a miniature world. He had always been fond of small insects and animals. He was only a very small boy at that time, he remembered. Sticking his nose on the window pane, his face buried in his hands and his elbows striving to have a comfortable place on the very small ledge, he was waiting for the rain to stop. The sound of this rain made him happy, tripping over the glass pane, tinkling on the iron sheets over his head. A steady river trickled its way down the pane, from drop to drop, making a path for others to follow. Behind him his father opened the creaking door, a hatchet in his hand. He had just come from hunting, since the hatchet was still damp with hot blood. But his son was too busy to notice this all. The rain was far too interesting.

The tripping, tinkling and trickling… Then those shouts… Ominous shouts. He panicked and ran into the room, looking for his parents. His father stood there, face red with anger, eyes crimson, and a streak of steaming blood ran across his face. On the floor was his mother, lying in a growing pool of blood. Her hand wriggled, trying desperately to find something to clutch to, while another hand tried to hold back the stream flowing from her throat, down to her bare bosom, down her waist, and flowing down to the floor through the middle of her naked legs. Next to her was lying his uncle, as uncovered, lifeless, with gashes on his chest. The boy stood at the door, watched it all, and suddenly, he turned away and paced back to his window pane, humming to himself. A rummage through a drawer was heard, a cocking, then a shot, reverberating all around the little house. Then what remained was the tripping, the tinkling and the trickling…

jai_bhardwaj 17-01-2013 07:55 PM

Re: heart touching stories.
Mid Day

The old grandfather clock made itself heard for the eleventh time. He was still looking outside. His eyes were starting to pain from the midday light. He reluctantly removed his hand from the wall, shifting all his weight to the already paining thighs. He wanted to go on. He wanted to see more of it, more of his life. He had tried many a times, seated on his rocking armchair, or before the mirror, but he had failed to bring back images as living as those he just had.

“Maybe that blinding light helped”, he said. But he hated that word – blinding. He was not blind. He saw everything. He knew everything. And perhaps, this was his tragedy.

A knock sounded at the door. “Come in!” he shouted. A young man entered, and throwing his overcoat over one of those dusty sofas, he said, “Hello pa! Had your lunch yet?”

The old man shook his head in a negative answer.

“You wanna com with us?”

Another shake.

He walked to the old man. “Pa! You can’t remain like this for always! It’s all over! You know we don’t have any grudge! You know that!”

The old man turned his face towards the window again. Something was hurting more than the light. A pause followed, and with a nearly imperceptible start, the old man croaked, “You no grudge, huh? Then why is your son and wife still waiting in ya car?” He paused, awaiting an answer, but as expected, none came.

“You still fear me! You still fear ma anger!” The tone rose.

“You hate me, huh? You think he’s jus ol’ shIt, won’t understand nothing!” He forced his vocal power. “But I need no one! You ge’ that? No one!”

The door slammed. He looked out through the window as the young man walked through the long grass, tapping away the dust on his coat. The latter stopped before his car, threw a brief look at the overgrown weeds, and then opened his door. The old man looked away, to avoid the glance of his departing son. “Idiot! Now he’s gonna send a gard’ner, and I’ll have to mak’im flee, just like tha’ housekeepin’ bi*ch.”

He returned to his mirror, with ears fixed on the silent roar of his son’s car, and lifted up the mug of tea which had now grown ice cold. A fly was attempting its last flap to fly away from the brown sea. In some seconds, it would float lifelessly in that half-empty mug. The image certainly crossed his mind, but he was not disgusted by it. He was disgusted by nothing.

This time aided by his cane, his weakening legs were pulled towards the window again, and he saw himself being pulled away by men in raincoat he did not know, but who called themselves his relatives. He was shouting, but his shrill voice of young boy was overwhelmed by the deafening outbursts of thunder. His tears, all lost in the crowd of raindrops. He resisted in every way he could: he bit, and kicked and shoved his feet into the wet soil. But they were too strong. Several pairs of hands had grabbed his arms and clothes. There is not a thing he remembered after that, not one of those houses, not one of his ‘parents’, not one of those evil kids who called him evil names, not even the one he threw from the top of the second floor. The only thing on his mind was the image of his father and mother being taken out by the front door, marred by their own blood. He did not even remember his father’s face. What he remembered was that vulgar mass of fuming minced meat mounted over a body that once belonged to his father. Everything else was just darkness.

The old man shifted uneasily. He went to his armchair, gave it a gentle push, and carefully leaned forward to take his cigarette case. He tried not to let out even the smallest moan of pain. But he failed. And failure was something he did not like. It could be seen from his face, as he removed yet another cigarette, put it in his mouth, and looked for his matches. Not in his pockets, nor on the table, nor next to the chair. Disgusted, he took out the cigarette, crushed it, and threw it away, by far missing the ashtray already full with half-smoked cigarettes. He looked at the case still in his hand, and went back to his window.

It was already midday, and he was hungry, but he wanted to see more. And he saw the weather had changed. He was coming back, young, and dressed in the most expensive suit he could have ever afforded in his life, the only suit he ever had actually. And together with him was the most beautiful lady he ever saw, dressed in white. She looked far purer than any water, far fairer than even milk, far more angelic than any angel. She was his wife. And she looked proud of it. They entered the house, smiling at each other, lost in each other’s gaze, and the old man lost them from view.

The grass grew momentarily high, then went back to its previous state as the couple reappeared at the gate. He was holding the hand of a little boy, and his wife was smiling at a baby in her arms. They looked so happy together, so divine. They walked towards the house again, giggling, talking about this new gift of love, but this time, some flashes punctuated their approach. He was now on the lawn, seated, covering his face from the innocent punches of his two sons. And they walked nearer. His wife was now helping him paint the gate, and he was laughing at the blot of white over her nose. And they walked nearer. His children were now adolescents, and his drunk elder was being led by his smaller brother down the pathway, on the lookout for any sign of parents. And they came to the door.

For the first time, one could see a faint form resembling a smile on the face of the old man. But it was soon drowned again in an expression nearing anger, with a tiny tint of grief. What he now saw was rain, terrible rain. The sunlight that had basked his memories seemed to be lost forever. A body was being taken away from the front door on a stretcher, and as it went, dripping drops of diluted blood left behind an announcement of its passage. For some unknown reasons, this path of blood seemed to resist the heavy raindrops, as if it did not want to leave. Just steps away, he was escorted by policemen out of the house. He could feel each drop of that rain on his body, as needles stinging him all at once, and becoming part of him as they flowed away. His hands were still red, contrasting with the shine of the metal handcuffs. He reached the middle of the path. His son, crying on the lawn, suddenly leaped for him, taking the policemen by surprise. He punched his father several times in the face, shouting out, “You killed her, freak! You killed her! You killed ma mother, and ma brother! You killed’em! Am gonna kill ya!”

The old man turned away. He did not want to see anything anymore, but that voice was haunting his ears. He wished it would be covered up by the sound of the rain, but it wasn’t. No tripping, no tinkling, no trickling was so powerful. No rain was so powerful. Neither was he. He realised he was squeezing the cigarette case as hard as he could, and his anger dissipated.

“You know it was not ma fault! You know tha’, dontcha?” His voice told he was on the verge of crying, and he did not like the sound of it. It was him weakening, and he knew exactly what he had to do.

jai_bhardwaj 17-01-2013 07:56 PM

Re: heart touching stories.

The curtains were still drawn apart, and it was dark outside. All the lights in the house had been lit up, and they now revealed a home of fine choice, where luxury and simplicity found the perfect balance. It was an example of what one would have call modernity some decades ago, but it was certainly not antiquity. Not yet antiquity. What had appeared to be a well-lit shack in blinding daylight now revealed a forlorn cosiness. The subtleness of the tiny lamps revealed the minute details of the rocking chair going to and fro – men and women holding their faces, shouting out, fleeing in the midst of bas-relief flames. And on top of them, the old man was seated.

His bowl of left over noodles was on the table next to him, and his fork was down on the floor. But he did not bother to lift it up. He was thinking, his eyes fixed on the greying ceiling, and his left hand caressing the back leg of the chair. Puffs of smoke rising from his mouth formed dense clouds, then gradually dissipated into the misty atmosphere of the room. He puffed his last, waited, and suddenly stood up, cutting through the smoke. He let go of the cigarette, and instinctively crushed it with his feet. But it ached. He lifted up his cane, went to the dressing table, wore his teeth set, and walked towards the window. He was ready this time. He had the courage.

The open window revealed faint signs of lampposts along the roads ahead. The dead silence was disturbed only by the sounds of nocturnal insects hunting under the veil of the newly dark night. On the lawn was a shadow of him in the window, distorted by the different lengths of grass. Each and every blow of wind seemed to give a new dimension to that image, yet the core of the shadow remained very same – the old man in his window. And this time in his window, he saw his house, the inside of it. He had just come from work, various blood stains on his apron. The door opened silently as he stepped in. Whisperings and sobs were heard, from his room, and he stealthily approached. It was the voice of his wife.

“I had to tell you! You know that! I couldn’t let you believe that… that this monster…”

His son interrupted, in his sobbing voice. “But, why now mom? Why not earlier?”

A pause followed. The unusual silence of this moment was heavy. The brightness of daylight went gradually dimmer. He waited for an answer.

“I couldn’t have told you… You weren’t… mature enough.”

The day grew darker.

“And what now? What should I do?”

“Just know it son… just know…”

The man stood still. What could only be heard was the pounding of his heart against his rib, and the faded sobs of his son. Darker still.

“…just know that he is not your father…”

His eyes grew large, his breath momentarily stopped, then took off again at the speed of a tornado. His left hand clenched into a fist. At that very moment, he was red. He opened the toolkit still in his hand, took out his largest butcher knife, and let go of the rest of his toolkit. The loud crash attracted the attention of his wife and son. Darkness was complete.

What ensued was a game of blood. With the expertise of the ruthless butcher he was, he cut open throats and arms and chests. The old man knew he had done all this, but he did not see that. What he saw was the splashes of blood flying off in every direction, splattering over the walls, then streaming downwards. The guttering of overflowing blood, the snaps of the sharp fine edge of metal over the skin and the inaudible cries of the victims were being mocked at by the distant rumbles of a beastly thunderstorm.

This time the vision stopped without any intervention of the old man, but the weather remained unchanged. The storm which had been brewing up since the morning was now here. Rain was attacking the window panes with all its might, directed by the flashes of lightning high up in the skies. He wore a solemn look on his face as he watched the battle of drops. Then, unexpectedly, wearing the same expressionlessness on his face, he opened the first window, then the second. The smoke inside the house precipitated out, letting in the icy wind. Rain won the battle. Triumphant, water ran down the old man’s face and drenching his clothes. The old man had accepted his defeat.

As unpredictable as a lighting streak, a smile appeared onto his face. The battle was still not over. Leaving the windows open, he called his son.


No one answered, but someone could be heard shouting, “Darling! It’s your… your dad!”

“Hello pa?” came an interrogative reply. “This time of night? You okay?”

“Ya… Just tell ya ol’ gardener to come t’morrow morning. Ma lawn need some gard’nin!”

“Okay pa… Is that…”

He hanged up. That malicious smile reappeared. He went to his dressing table, rummaged through the drawer, and took out a pistol. Then he started back for his window. On his way, he bent down, lifted up the fallen fork, looked at it intently, then juggled it into its bowl. He stepped into the pool of water growing at the foot of the opening. Gazing at his own shadow, he slowly lifted up the pistol, whispering to himself, “No one gardens ma lawn. No one.”

The nozzle of the pistol was now at his temple. His finger was on the trigger. He was going to do it. Finally. But his hand trembled. His wrinkles altered their forms with every shiver of his eyebrows. A small tear formed at the corner of his left eye. He could feel it – hot and heavy, despite the rain drops around. As the tear went down, some force took hold of his hand, and despite his strong will, he lowered his pistol.

A few seconds passed, or a few minutes perhaps. He stood still, eyes shut, occasionally laughed at by the flashes of the sky, and perpetually assaulted by the raindrops. The wind blew into the house. He stood still.

Suddenly there was a bang. Loud, distinct pistol shot, piercing through the silence of night, silencing the hunters of darkness. His face once again bore that smile. He swooned down and gracefully splashed into the water. The pistol was still in his grasp. The rain gradually lessened and stopped, as his breath became harder and harder. Blood oozing out from his chest steadily flowed down into the pool of water, settled down as a layer, and finally made the invisible become red.

There was utter darkness outside, except for the light on the lawn, in the shape of the open window. Just the window. Nothing more.


jai_bhardwaj 17-01-2013 08:02 PM

Re: heart touching stories.

Today father brought something with him, a boy. He was some orphan kid, his father died, dad said that his father was a security guard of our office and had died while saving father’s life, and in return father promised him to raise his child. I saw him, even after he had suffered, he was smiling, only thing I had in mind was, what is with this boy?

‘Whatever,’ I said.

Then he came to me, greeted me and father said he was my brother, I saw him, he smiled again. How can someone smile after this much? After dinner I saw him standing on the balcony crying, I don’t know why but I went to him and asked that why was he crying he replied,

‘ I am not crying brother, this are tears of happiness. I never thought that I would end up in a place like this, after the death of father, I was alone, I had no one even my family had turned their back on me. But then your father came from nowhere and everything changed, my father must be happy. And now that I have this day I’ll always cherish it. I’ll make myself worth it. Now that I am here I must thank uncle, aunty and moreover you who was the first one asking me that why was I crying. When I was coming here I was scared that how would everyone react, but the time I entered everyone was grateful to me and I did not feel that I am orphan, I finally had met the people with whom I feel safe, and moreover feel warm. Thank you for accepting me, I’ll make myself worth it.’

And then after saying me he hugged me. I was thinking, his life was just too cruel but he endured the pain and was showering positive attitude. Life is a teacher; if you pay attention you’ll learn many things. That boy, that day, taught me something, something precious, something to cherish the whole life, something I’ll just never forget. And moreover I had got a brother, the one soul mate I always needed, the only thing I never had.

After some days someone bullying on him, I ran to them and the boy over there asked who are you, and I said “I am his brother and I cannot let you bully on him”.

That day I felt something, something I never felt, I had a brother. After we went home I asked father that he is my brother then why does he stays other room, father was shocked. He said,

“ you want him to stay with you” I nodded in reply.

He hugged me and then he himself that day made the preparations’ for us to live in the same room. I had my brother, I was happy, he was happy, and watching us father was happy.

jai_bhardwaj 17-01-2013 08:03 PM

Re: heart touching stories.
memorable day

I'm Priya!! After I graduated from college I got to work in the good IT company, but the environment is so different and difficult to get used to it at first but as days passed by its been like a routine work as to get up morning and go to office by 10am, work for 9 hours daily for company and so we will get our income and thank god at least weekends we are set free to enjoy. Weekends that two days we do have some prior plans to spend it like getting necessary things for daily life, spending time in beauty parlours, watching favorite TV shows, having good meal at fine restaurants, going to theatre and then obviously all type of shopping will be on weekends only. Also hangout to some places on weekends is the best time we can have with colleagues or our college friends. am not sure of the future or my passion but I just go ahead where life heads me. Good!! But am missing all those college memories, my college friends and school friends much since they were also in same situation, very busy routine life !!. but nice to think about the social networking sites which is the only passage through which am still in contact with my close friends, at least I am getting sometime to chat through messenger once in a month or a week time. Not only in contact with our friends also getting to know some new friends through our friends. Always it’s nice to have so many friends. As all know without any reason our friends are the one to support us at right time when we need them. I have got so many good friends through social networking site.

One such a friend is George!! , who is my friend’s friend and from same hometown from where I am. Also we are working in an IT company. I do remember I didn’t have much work on the month when i get to know about him. I remember its month of June end . Actually it took a year to say hi to him from when i accepted him as friend, I came to know this lately and after that It took a week to know each other chatting daily in messenger. Whenever I chat with him, a quote that comes to my mind ‘No matter how busy the day may be, true caring person will get sometime beyond their busy time to show their true care’.

I was really happy when I come to know that he is behaving in a same way i do to others. Within 2 to 3 weeks I felt like am really very lucky to get him as a friend. And also thought like everyone who knows about him will have him as a close friend, he is such a nice character. After few weeks and with so much of hesitation we exchanged our mobile numbers and started chatting in mobile. Then beyond sharing our daily activities, we just took one step ahead and shared our personal things, got to know about his family, he has three cute elder sisters and he is the youngest boy in his family, i just felt great the way he gave a intro about his family, Such a beautiful family too!! And next I asked about his friends , he told like he don’t have any close friends since college ,I do have but just a relationship like what is what , that’s it not beyond that. And i have been alone most of the days not spent much time with friends even.

Really i was stunned to hear this , how could it be? Since he is really a cool person, easy-going, humorous guy who can make everyone smile in his talk. Curious to know the reason behind it I asked why?? Since his financial background is not good to pursue his studies, he just joined college and went for evening classes and as classes get over he works for a company at night time just to take care of his studies so he didn’t get a chance to be close with his classmates and as i said he is humorous spontaneous guy participated in college functions just to entertain others and for his passion towards dance.

Really he is nice dancer!! Also he is very techy guy too as he can take up even 8 yrs experience person’s work. He has done a guest lecture in a college, He used to say, he is blessed and happy on his professional life. You know he is just 23 years old. So see how cool his character, his attitude, his techy stuffs and also a caring guy too. And I can say even more about him. I was just impressed in all his professional and personal stuffs. But we know everyone can’t be just perfect, he too had few bad habits, he do smoke and drink often which I hated much.

One day while chatting in messenger he pinged me like he will die very soon, I don’t know what rubbish he was talking, but without my conscious I just shredded few drops of tears while hearing this. I just requested him and asked to promise me not to smoke or drink from then, He refused and said it’s tough to leave it soon but sure he will be fine one day. And All above i just wanted to meet him once and he too accepted for that. I have a habit like presenting a greeting card with my writings for all my close friends on their birthdays but my bad luck George’s birthday is just over a month back before we became close friends, but then i didn’t left it as it is i just made a cute card stating ‘My Sweet Friend’ over the card in my own big stylish font!!

One fine Weekend!! Its Sunday evening 4pm on July 8th, he just picked me near my hostel. i didn’t even know where we are heading, all of the trust I had on him I didn’t ask anything. All of a sudden he just entered the Santhome Church, was speechless and happy that he brought me to church, the first place we were been together . Really I won’t forget that moment never and ever. Am a Hindu but had so much belief in Christianity since from my school days, read bible, go regularly to church on every Sundays. I was bit scared since i have gave a word to my roommate that i will be back in 2 hours to go to Besant nager church, usually i go with her only every Sundays. I thought it may get late and can’t make it. But was happy because that time i was in church only.

After then we were there in church for half an hour and also went to the st Thomas basilica museum which is just located at back of church. That moment I felt a peace in my mind, great to be there in Santhome church!! After that we headed towards the santhome beach which is nearby, so went there and spend some time exploring one others mobile and seeing pictures and explaining everything. We had nice time there. I just look at the watch its already 5.30pm getting late to church. so I just asked him can we make a move?. Till that he was smiling, laughing and sharing all the things but he felt bad when that smile lasts just for one and half hours when I asked shall we leave? With a cute smile he asked is it possible to spend some more time with him.

Really it feels good when someone smiles because of you. That day I was happy that I have been a supportive friend who doesn’t have close friend to share the griefs and happiness. So I just accepted because i have been to church few mins back with him, so we just moved on. He asked few places which is near my hostel so that we can return before dinner safely. Okay the Guindy snake park! As I like snakes much and I haven’t been there before so I suggested. He is also interested to visit the park. So we reached there in another twenty mins, took snaps of all the snakes there.

Also we went to National Park which is near to Snake Park and had chit chat for some time and we came out around 6.45pm. By then we both were hungry so just thought of having dinner together but 6.45 is bit early to have dinner. So we just thought of doing some shopping for half an hour, we just parked the vehicle near the restaurant and went for a walk. We entered a mall and was roaming inside here and there seeing all the things kept for display, we went to all sections like Books, mobile Accessories,CD sections and finally he stopped at a place and was starring at neck chain(for Men) displayed there. I asked him you want it?, he said yes and requested me to choose one for him, Okay fine then we had a look at all the sets and took one set we both liked it, it’s something like two black thread tied with a pendant looks like a heart cracked at center (like a broken heart) and it seems like a two way use, we can separate it into two threads and we can use it. Moreover he liked it much so he bought it and when we came out of the mall he just separated that the threads and gave me one thread with half heart to me. I asked why should i need this and above all only s boy can only wear this thing but he requested a lot and asked me to keep that with me as his remembrance.

At first I hesitated to get it but then I kept it with me just not to insult him or not to make him feel bad and then time was close to 7.30 and we entered the hotel and took the seats in the AC hall. he prompted me for the choice and we ordered some dishes, then he said like we can share all the dishes which we both ordered. I didn’t thought of sharing my dish with him but he had a timely thought and we just shared the dishes and ended that day together having dinner and we left there in another 45 mins and suddenly one thing stricked my mind which I forgot , it’s the greeting card which I made for him.

I just gave him the card; he was stunned to get it. When he opened and read it, he was happy to get a greeting card for no reason, not his Birthday even!! He just said thanks with cute smile on his face. Then we left the place headed towards my hostel. He dropped me near my hostel , he asked for me to direct my pinky finger forward, I don’t get what he is asking me to do, but then he holded my pinky finger with his and said bye to me. I loved the way he said bye One fine day ends there with so much happiness in my heart that can’t just be explained; I just felt it first time I can say it’s a Lovely day!! It might be nothing when reading all these but am the one who felt something different in each and every move of him ,I really enjoyed each and every small cute things he did and that made me happy , In short i can say few things , those are his care for me, Unexpected visit to church that too first time with the guy you just known few weeks back, really it feels good to be there, I made that day a memorable one for him since he spent time with a friend for long hours the very first time that too with me the likings we had in common made us more comfortable sharing the food ,giving something on the first day as a remembrance and bidding bye with cute pinky holding, rather it’s a very cute feeling. It all just seems to be new for me that day, so I can just say I was happy at the peak!! Really it’s a very fine day out with my sweet friend George!! I will never and ever forget the day, Of course I can’t! Thanks George!! For such a sweet memorable day…!!

jai_bhardwaj 17-01-2013 08:03 PM

Re: heart touching stories.

After that Lovely day..….

After few weeks…. I got a message from him ” Thanks Priya for that day !! you have spent your time for me , hereafter I won’t feel alone since you are there for me, was very happy when I received your card , its too good and I liked it a lot, if you were a boy I would have hugged you the next second you gave that to me . Thanks a lot for the day you made it for me .

Our Conversation goes on for some one hour and we ended with Good Night messages. But I was not able to sleep after that I felt so disturbed that night thinking of him, wanted to spend more time with him. Don’t know whether my thoughts are right or wrong. Beyond his imperfections I just felt like he has born for me. Somehow I managed hard and slept off late that night. The Next Day as usual I went to office but I was restless not able to concentrate on my work. I got scared and I didn’t message him much just replied one word for his messages. He understood something wrong and asked me what happened. I don’t know what to reply just sent nothing!! We all know if someone says nothing then definitely there is something behind that Nothing! It’s a known fact !

Then we didn’t message for some time.

By Evening the same day I got a message from him ,

Him : What’s wrong dear?? You don’t seems to be normal. Please tell me..

Me : Am sorry da, felt like I want to be your dear, yours!! lifelong :( and I want to see you now… “

(I was about to cry because I know my parents won’t allow for this but with hope I got the courage to express my feelings for him, I don’t want to miss him. So I just replied. He understood what I meant really

Him : Hey really?? I don’t know what to say, we can discuss further and take decision.

When will you be available?

Me : I want to talk to you now, please come and pick me near my office.

Him : Ok fine for me, will come there sharp at 6pm. Are you okay dear ??

Me : Ok George, drive safely meet you soon..

him : By the way , where shall we go ?

Me : will go to church and then to beach, is it fine for you?

Him : Yes ma, fine!

After one or 2 hours he picked me near my office and we headed towards church, prayed well and went to beach after sometime. Standing on water, Enjoying the sea breeze we had serious discussion on whether ,

Is this Love ? or Cant we just be friends forever..?

Is this the right time to be in relationship ?

Will our parents accept ?

Even Our parents accept .. Will our Society have a good thought over us ?

Will it affect our parents name and respect ?

Will Our future be good ?

What we will do if our parents wont accept ? (Answer from both of us : Strictly ! No stupid decisions …. Only with parents and gods blessings we will marry else….:( We are sure and strong in this hard decision….)

Likewise So many questions haunted us and with all of hope and trust we decided its our life if we are happy then nothing is wrong !!

When i was near him, i just felt like am just perfectly fit to his height With that silly thought, I just laid my head on his shoulder and he was patting my cheeks, I would have slept if he had done the same for some more time, it feels good and lastly With pinky holding I expressed my love for him. he smiled! I felt the happiness in him when I expressed my feelings , then he hugged me and gave a deep kiss on my forehead , I read somewhere kissing on forehead denotes the care we had on them. I felt the same and all of a sudden I whispered in his ears once more please… That Second When He kissed me again I felt my heart beats faster than normal with lot of happiness in my heart and confusions in my mind :( After sometime we returned to our places !!

But lastly our heart wins we are in love :) Now Happily I can say Yes !! that One fine day … ends in love….

When he shared his griefs and happiness, Felt like am one of the trusted person in his life !!
When he holed my hands while crossing the road, Felt like am concerned !!
When he hugged me, Felt like he is comfortable with me !!
When he kissed me on my forehead , Felt the care he had on me !!
And Whenever he leave me for a moment , Felt some loneliness in me !!
And all i can say i Just felt his love for me…..

Love is Just a word untill someone comes along and gives it meaning Always i had a thought like am very blessed to have him as a part of my life… but Now After this felt like You are my Everything Love you loads George !!

As days passed by my love for him multiplied and same time getting scared to lose him..Seriously After few months My parents started searching alliance for me , So I just told them about this, as like most of the parents, my parents also not accepting since there were so many reasons sorted in front of us like community , financial background and moreover he is just one year elder than me and also his parents didn’t even think of it… Still we are struggling to get our parents consent favourable for us But Whatever Happens there will be some reason.) God only knows & he might have a better plan and we will get what we deserve than what we desire. But am just praying for my life to go with my desire for I love him much very much!!. If at all something else happens sure I can’t be happy as like now, I have to lead my life with some guilty feeling which will kill me.

Wondering still and questioning God if this is not going to happen then….

why we became friends.. ?

why we met.. ?

why we were happy to be in relationship.. ?


eventually why we are in pain now..?

God please help me out in this…

With hope…. Still waiting…………… for god’s blessings…..

P.S: Please pray for us that our love life to end in marriage…


jai_bhardwaj 17-01-2013 08:07 PM

Re: heart touching stories.

After his father had left them, he and his mother had moved to a smaller house with only one room and a bathroom. The front part of the room served as the living hall, the right corner, the bed room and the farther end, the kitchen. There was a window on the front wall. Nikki unlocked the door and went inside the house. To add to his gloom, there was a power cut. The house was in darkness.

Nikki’s Science book was lost. He didn’t know what he would do for the exam. The very next day was the exam. Science teacher was not a kind person. He would not believe if he told him that his book was lost. Nikki would be considered a liar. His Science teacher would turn wild if anyone failed. No one was ready to lend him a book. Nikki could not blame anyone. Tomorrow was the exam.

“It is a tough world,” Nikki thought.

“Why don’t you tell your father and buy another book?” asked Varun.

“Yes, yes,” said Nikki and moved away from the place. He did not want to tell anyone that his father had stopped coming home for the past six months. He could sense something was seriously wrong between his parents. Once he asked his mother if his father would come at all. She mumbled that they were a thousand times better off without him. His mother was working as a nurse in a private hospital and was doing night duty.

Nikki went to the kitchen part of the room to see if there was anything to eat. Some of the lemon rice which his mother had packed for his lunch was left over. His anxiety turned to anger. He lay down without eating anything. He was looking at the window. The three vertical bars looked black while the window looked a dark grey. Soon the bars will merge with the colour outside. He thought of their previous house. It was a two bed roomed apartment. He had a room for himself. His father used to come home very late. He did not talk much – only some monosyllables and a few grunts. From his mothers bitter words he could understand that he had another family.

He detested this place, at first. Now he was getting used to it and memories of his other home came only occasionally. Rain started pattering against the door and window shutters. Droplets started spraying inside steadily. He reached out and closed the windows. He lay down again on the chill floor.

Nikki woke up with a start to the sweet smell of cardamom. His mother was cooking. The bathroom was open and her wet clothes hung inside.

“Ma,” he cried.

“Nikki, I didn’t want to wake you. You were fast asleep, baby,” she came and hugged him tenderly.

“Get ready quickly and have some kheer. In the evening we’ll go out and get what you want,” his mother said.

At once it came to his mind. It was his birthday! He had been counting the days, but now at last when it came, he was not in a mood for celebration.

“Nikki, I got a bonus, you know,” said his mother.

Nikki stood at the door and inspected the condition of the place around his house. After getting dressed and drinking kheer, he was ready to go to school. He thought about the words of the principal in yesterday’s assembly.

“Rain or thunder showers, you will be writing your exams; don’t ever dream of holidays. Prepare well!”

So no hope of getting a holiday. He was resigned to his fate. Only a few days back, his mother had advised him.

“Let’s show that man(his father) we can manage very well without him. You will become a great man without his help. You must study well. Will you promise me that?”

And he had assured her by saying ,”Yes.” He did not know how he would explain if he failed.

There was knee deep water in the front till the road, and it was still drizzling. His mother put a couple of logs to serve as bridge, so that he would not have to put his legs in dirty water. Nikki started to walk carefully on the logs when he saw a familiar figure in a rain coat, zooming past. On seeing him it turned around and stopped in front of his house.

“Nikki, no school today.”It was Varun.

“Wh….at? No school?”Nikki was not sure what he heard.

“Yes, it seems some power connections got cut near the school in yesterday’s rain and risky for students. So they have kept a board at the gate. Exam only on Monday, that’s after two days.” Varun zoomed away with glee.

“Yey!” jumped Nikki and realized that he had landed into the muddy water splashing it all over and on himself. The old lady next doors started cursing him for splashing water on her. His mother started shouting for dirtying his clothes. He could not hear anything.

“Ma!. I want science book for my birth day,” he declared in a loud voice.

jai_bhardwaj 18-01-2013 05:19 PM

Re: heart touching stories.
With her coffee mug in one hand and her iSlate in another, Manju walked out into her balcony. Before settling on the beanbag there, she took a heart-fill’s view of the world spread out in front of her and below her. From her veranda in her aero-mansion suspended in the air, she had an arresting view of the bustling Akash Mumbai; with it’s traffic congestedskyways across varying atmospheric heights, sky-kissing concrete scrapers with glass façades dazzling at varying angles and every awe-inspiring sight and nauseating cacophony of sounds expected from a bustling and thriving cosmopolis. (Akash means sky)

Settling into the beanbag, she put her iSlate on her lap and began sipping her coffee. She unlocked her screen which showed the time to be 14:23 and date as 13-Feb-2152. She clicked on a few icons on her screen and began browsing through the collection, when something hit her mind.

Quickly, she lowered the status screen, by putting a finger on the top of her screen and gently sliding a rack downwards. As she read the date again, her heart beat quickened. She knew that she had to check it out, just for confirmation. Or perhaps more.

It had been a week since she had first met him. Even last night he had been at her place.

She put her coffee aside on the small table next to her beanbag. On the table was a small USB cord that had the usual port connector at one end and a cloth strap at the other end. She plugged the port connector into her iSlate and wound the strap around her wrist. Within moments, the cybernetic implant in her mind got activated through the nerve receptors on the strap, which was now wound on her wrist. She was now mentally connected to thecybernet. She simply mouthed out aloud, “Browser, Open” The browser in her iSlate opened up and the address was immediately typed out. Once the page loaded, she said “Love Measurer”, which was the name of an icon that got clicked.

As the page was loading, she retrieved a small circular device from her pocket. She put the circular device on side of her forehead and immediately hit the soft knob on the device. As always, as the device activated, she instantly blinked her eyes. Opening her eyes, she could feel no impulse in her head, whatsoever. That didn’t shock her, as it was the basic purpose of the device lovingly referred to as the ‘Concentrator‘– it simply purged the mind of all thoughts and emotions, so the user could divert all psychic energy to the job of their desire.

She looked at her screen. Until the Concentrator had been connected, a small heart icon was throbbing on the screen and the number ’499′ was shown next to it. She already knew that it in normal state, that’s the average ‘love’ that any person had. Normal meaning, when someone was thinking about everything or something, consciously or unconsciously.

Now that the Concentrator had been activated, the heart had stopped throbbing and the reading was ’0′. In her mind, she began thinking about ‘Rinku’. On the screen, the heart started throbbing rapidly and next to it numbers rolled, like it were a jackpot machine display. The ‘Love Measurer’ was ascertaining her ‘love’ for her pet dog ‘Rinku’. After a few moments, the number stabilized at ’533′. She got a brief recollection of what the unit was supposed to signify, and that information was also available on the screen. She didn’t care, for she knew that the scale went from 0 to 999 and higher the value, the more the love. Looking at 533, she arched her eyebrows. She had thought that she loved her doggie more than 533 hearts of love, but she knew that there was no arguing with the science.

She then thought, ‘Work’. On the screen, the heart started throbbing rapidly again. This time it took more than a few moments, and close to ten seconds later, it showed the number ’610′ and the heart was beating normally. She arched her eyebrows. She had expected to love her work lesser than that. However as the Concentrator began retrieving images, thoughts, memories, related emotions of her workplace; Manju felt that she probably did love her work that much after all.

Finally, taking a deep breath, she thought ‘Hrithik’. On the screen, the heart started throbbing rapidly again. The heart kept beating and the number’s in the reader kept rolling. Meanwhile, the Concentrator flushed her mind with everything she had in there, which wasbio-emo-labelled ‘Hrithink’. In her mind, Manju saw the first time Anthony had come in front of her eyes, and that emotion washed through her again; she saw her having coffee with him; she then remembered the first time he had touched her hand, and the way electric pulses throughout her nerves had short-circuited; she then recollected their first kiss, their first dance together, shopping with him, his smiles, his intelligent rebuttals, his eyebrow-arching, the texture of his skin, the way his fingers moved over her belly, the way he kissed her with unabashed passion, his stroking her hair when they were in bed, his serving her coffee today morning whilst she was still in her bed…

All of these thoughts had accomplished what they normally did– putting a big wide smile on her face. She looked at her screen, which was still busy with the calculations. She looked at the small stopwatch at bottom-right hand corner of her screen and with a surprise she realized that the machine had been working for the last 9 minutes 58 seconds. She knew the maximum time of measurement was 10 minutes.

Two seconds later, an error message popped up on her screen. She read it: We are sorry. We are unable to determine the amount of love you have for ‘Anthony’. Our measurement scale is insufficient to gauge it. Cases like this are scientifically referred to as ‘True Love’.

Manju’s smile was not going to stop, as she realized what she wanted to do on 14-Feb.

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