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Dr.Shree Vijay 17-08-2014 12:26 AM

Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

The Health Benefits of Humor and Laughter :

Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 17-08-2014 01:01 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It,
Backed by Science :

How can something as simple as laughing be good for you? I will admit that I feel great after a good laugh. And, in a house of all males and a husband that could have been a stand up comedian if he chose that route, there are many opportunities to laugh.

But sometimes life is hard and I just don’t feel like it.

Many studies show that their are actual health benefits to the simple act of laughter. I know, sometimes it doesn’t come easy. Let’s dig into the reasons why the experts say it is worth seeking out :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 17-08-2014 01:14 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It,
Backed by Science :

Why Do We Laugh?

It feels good so why do we do it? Cognitive neuroscientist Scott Weems, author of Ha!: The Science of When We Laugh and Why, looked why we actually do and how it has served us well over the generations.

Weems says laughter and humor help us process conflict in our environment through the dopamine that is released in our brains when we find something funny. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released in our brain that makes us feel good. It releases tension, increases motivation, memory and attention and helps us process pain management.

So, the more dopamine the better! Lifehacker, one of my favorite websites, has a great article on how to increase your dopamine levels easily and naturally :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 17-08-2014 01:24 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It, Backed by Science :

How Can You Study Laughter? :

Through a series of survey and MRIs, scientists have attempted to do just just that. In order find out what makes a joke funny, a German researcher named Willibald Ruch asked subjects a series of questions about hundreds of jokes and cartoons.

Based on their answers, he grouped humor preferences into three types: “incongruity-resolution,” which involves “violating one’s expectations in novel ways;” “nonsense humor,” “which is funny only because it makes no sense;” and “sexual humor,” which is offensive or taboo.

Granted, not everyone finds the same type of humor funny, the commonality in these joke types is that they all involve dealing with surprise and resolving the ensuing cognitive dissonance.

That’s why a joke is funny the first time and usually not the second. You’re expecting it that second time around. :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 17-08-2014 01:30 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It, Backed by Science :

How is Laughing Good for You?? :

“I believe that if people can get more laughter in their lives, they are a lot better off,” says Steve Wilson, MA, CSP, a psychologist and laugh therapist. “They might be healthier too.”

There has not been a tremendous amount of research done on the health benefits of laughter. But everyone knows it’s good for you. You can feel it, right?

Here are some of them: :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 17-08-2014 01:33 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It, Backed by Science :

1.) The Release of Dopamine :

“I’ve said enough above for you to know that dopmaine, and lots of it, is a good thing. I can’t emphasize when it comes to the physical changes that occur in your brain (both good and bad) and how they effect all that we do and think.

Seek out dopamine. You’ll be glad you did :.........

rajnish manga 18-08-2014 01:16 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Thanks for starting this thread. Hope we will have a lot of fun here and get information on the subject derived from the fields of literature and science.

rafik 20-08-2014 02:56 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
1. College – Yaadein
2. Principal – Kabhi kabhi
4. Canteen – Kabhi albida na kahna
5. Course – Godzilla
6. Exams – Kalyug
7. Examination hall – Chamber of secret
8. Exam-time – Qayamat se Qayamat tak
9. Question paper – Paheli
10. Answer paper – Kora kagaz
11. Cheating – Aksar/chupke chupke
12. Paper out – Plan
13. Examiner – The killer
14. Last exam – Independence day
15. Paper correction – Andha kanoon
16. Marks – Assambhav
17. Result – Murder
18. Pass – Ajjuba/ Chamatkar
19. Fail – Devdas
20. Supplementary – Aakhri raasta
21. Vacation – Waah life ho to aisi

Dr.Shree Vijay 22-08-2014 09:19 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Originally Posted by rajnish manga (Post 523758)
Thanks for starting this thread. Hope we will have a lot of fun here and get information on the subject derived from the fields of literature and science.


Originally Posted by rafik (Post 524091)
1. College – Yaadein

Dr.Shree Vijay 22-08-2014 09:23 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It, Backed by Science :

2.) Decreases Stress :

“Just like dopamine increases are good, there are some hormones that are bad and create stress: cortisol and epinephrine. Laughter actually decreases these and help calm your stress. These hormones also play a role in the immune system, too. They decrease it. So get rid of cortisol and epinephrine with laughter! :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 31-08-2014 11:28 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It, Backed by Science :

3.) Laughter Decreases Our Blood Pressure :

“They call high blood pressure “the silent killer” because most people don’t know they have it. But laughter can help decrease it, thus increasing your life span. Cool, huh? :.........

rajnish manga 03-09-2014 11:53 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Very very interesting. We are waiting for the remaining installments, Dr. Shree Vijay ji.

Dr.Shree Vijay 04-09-2014 06:51 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Originally Posted by rajnish manga (Post 526677)
Very very interesting. We are waiting for the remaining installments, Dr. Shree Vijay ji.

Dr.Shree Vijay 04-09-2014 06:59 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It, Backed by Science :

4.) We change physiologically when we laugh :

“We work out muscles in our face and our abdomen. A mini workout! Again, dopamine, as well as other positive neurotransmitters, play a key role in this :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 08-09-2014 05:07 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It, Backed by Science :

5.) It Boosts Our Immune System :

“Want to get sick less often? Laugh!

Some studies have shown that the ability to use humor may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body and boost the levels of immune cells, as well.

I’ve written about Norman Cousins before.In that post I also wrote about the benefits of laughter and how it healed him of not one, but two life-threatening illnesses. It is so incredibly important! Dr. Cousins has given me so much hope during dark times. But it was really his groundbreaking work in Anatomy of an Illness: As Perceived by the Patient where he demonstrates how laughter can cure the uncurable.

There is a whole field of study dedicated to this very issue: psychoneuroimmunology.

Don’t take my word or it, Google it! :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 09-09-2014 11:29 AM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

6 Reasons Laughter is Good for You and Why We Do It, Backed by Science :

6.) Laughter Boosts Your Heart Rate :

“One pioneer in laughter research, William Fry, claimed it took ten minutes on a rowing machine for his heart rate to reach the level it would after just one minute of hearty laughter. Increasing your heart rate from exercise (which laughter is!) is good for you!

Laughter is good for you, is cheaper than therapy, and doesn’t have all the nasty side effects psychiatric drugs do! (However, in certain circumstances I am a big advocate for therapy and psychiatric medication to get you through some rough patches you can’t seem to overcome on your own.)

Honestly, I could list a hundred reasons why laughter is good for you but I’ll leave that up to you. If you need more laughter in your life, seek it out. It’s something you’ll never regret you did!

Oh, and one side note: people on their death beds say they wish they had laughed more. Don’t be that person !! :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 09-09-2014 11:40 AM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

To end this post and share in the joy of laughter, here is my absolute favorite clip of all time that keeps me laughing over and over again :

यूट्यूब यूजर्स के सौजन्य से :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 09-09-2014 11:49 AM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

Dr.Shree Vijay 09-09-2014 11:54 AM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
1 Attachment(s)
Laughter is the Best Medicine :

rajnish manga 09-09-2014 07:29 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
What is so special about laughter?

Laughter actually changes the physiology of your body so that you start to feel happier. When you make eye contact with someone and you are both willing to laugh, the laughter is multiplied. One interesting thing is because the body doesn’t know the difference between fake and genuine laughter, as long as you are willing to laugh you will experience the same health benefits and the laughter will become genuine Laughter Yoga started in a park in Mumbai in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria with just 5 participants, and now there are over 6,000 laughter clubs in 60 different countries – showing the willingness of the world to laugh together.

Pavitra 09-09-2014 10:59 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
दुनिया का सबसे मधुर स्वर है किसी बच्चे की हँसी , आप चाहे कितने ही परेशान क्यों न हों , चाहे मुश्किल कैसी भी हो पर किसी बच्चे को हँसता हुआ देख के हम मुस्कुराये बिना नहीं रह सकते।

Dr.Shree Vijay 11-09-2014 03:37 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Originally Posted by Lavanya (Post 527778)
दुनिया का सबसे मधुर स्वर है किसी बच्चे की हँसी , आप चाहे कितने ही परेशान क्यों न हों , चाहे मुश्किल कैसी भी हो पर किसी बच्चे को हँसता हुआ देख के हम मुस्कुराये बिना नहीं रह सकते।

rajnish manga 14-09-2014 03:00 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Originally Posted by lavanya (Post 527778)
दुनिया का सबसे मधुर स्वर है किसी बच्चे की हँसी , आप चाहे कितने ही परेशान क्यों न हों , चाहे मुश्किल कैसी भी हो पर किसी बच्चे को हँसता हुआ देख के हम मुस्कुराये बिना नहीं रह सकते।

आपके कथन की सच्चाई आपके द्वारा प्रस्तुत वीडियो ने सिद्ध कर दी. बच्चे की हंसी ऐसी है जैसे एक से दूसरे, दूसरे से तीसरे तक पहुँचने वाला संक्रमण. इसका कोई मुकाबला नहीं, कोई नुक्सान नहीं. शेयर करने के लिये धन्यवाद, लावण्या जी.

Dr.Shree Vijay 23-09-2014 12:35 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

iphone 6 :

Congratulations... iphone 6 launched...
The best feature of iPhone 6 is that if you hold it upside down it becomes iPhone 9.

iPhone users who've been saying, "I love my small iPhone, Android phones are too big for me," all these years... Apple just orphaned you...!!!"

Gujjus will not be affected by iPhone 6 launch... They will continue to flash their iPhone 4S and say: "iPhone Chhe"

With the launch of iPhone 6, OLX is more excited than Apple.... as people will sell old phones, car, house etc to buy iPhone.

Apple is Chinese, all iPhones look the same.

Dear Apple,
iPhone-6 Will Be Priced At 70k...
iPhone-9 Ke Saath Kya Nano Free Milegi ...??

iPhone's are like the Golmaal movie:
Every new version has the same features... but is longer than the previous one..!!!
iPhone6 costs more than the total money Harman Baweja earned from hi Bollywood career...!!!

Dr.Shree Vijay 23-09-2014 12:37 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

" You and Boss! " :

When you take a long time, you're slow.
When your boss takes a long time, he's thorough.

When you don't do it, you're lazy.
When your boss doesn't do it, he's too busy.

When you make a mistake, you're an idiot.
When your boss makes a mistake, he's only human.

When you take a stand, you're being bull-headed.
When your boss does it, he's being firm.

When you are out of the office, you're wandering around.
When your boss is out of the office, he's on business.

When you have one too many drinks at a social, you're a drunken bum.
When your boss does the same, he appreciated women.

When you're on a day off sick, you're always sick.
When your boss is a day off sick, he must be very ill.

When you apply for leave, you must be going for an interview.
When your boss applies for leave, it's because he's overworked...!!!

Dr.Shree Vijay 23-09-2014 12:39 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

" Waiting for a Train! " :

Banta is lying across the rail tracks with a bottle of Whisky and a tandoori chicken within reach.

A passerby asks, "Banta ji, why are you lying on the rail lines? A train may comee any moment and run over you."

"Precisely!" answers Banta. "I have no desire to live any longer. I want to kill myself."

"Then why have you this bottle of liquor and the tandoori chicken beside you?"

"Why not?" demands Banta. "You can't rely on trains running on time any more. You don't expect me to die of hunger and thirst, do you?"...!!!

Dr.Shree Vijay 23-09-2014 12:41 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

" Medical Developments! " :

A Hindu, a Muslim and a Santa were discussing the marvellous achievements of their own brands of surgery.

Said the Hindu, "I know of a Vaidji who joined a severed arm with the use of Ayurvedic glue. You can't even tell where the arm had been cut."

Not to be outdone, the Muslim spoke, "A hakeem sahib has evolved a new kind of adhesive ointment. He used it on a fellow who had his head cut off. You can't tell where the neck was severed."

It was now Santa's turn.

"We have gone much further," he said thumping his chest proudly. "There was this chacha of mine who was cut into two around his navel. Our surgeon immediately slaughtered a goat and joined its rear half to my chacha's upper half. So we have our chacha as well as two litres of milk every day."...!!!

Dr.Shree Vijay 23-09-2014 12:42 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

" Best Alternatives! " :

Apple iPhone6 in India...
Approx Rs.65k
Other options:
Bangkok Return Ticket: 21k
Massage: 3k
Shopping: 14k
Savings: 17k
Come back to India and buy any Xiaomi mi3, MOTO G, Asus Zenfone 5, Micromax Nitro, Sony C, Nokia 720.
You still have 4k left for 2 bottles of Jack Daniels at Mumbai Duty Free"...!!!

Dr.Shree Vijay 02-10-2014 11:06 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 02-10-2014 11:08 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 02-10-2014 11:09 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 07-10-2014 06:43 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Dr.Shree Vijay 07-10-2014 06:49 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Thanks To Dainikbhaskar :

Dr.Shree Vijay 09-10-2014 09:32 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Thanks To Dainikbhaskar :

Dr.Shree Vijay 09-10-2014 09:33 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Thanks To Dainikbhaskar :

rajnish manga 12-10-2014 08:31 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........
Thanks for sharing these cartoons on this Forum. Each one of them capable of detonating a laughter bomb.

Dr.Shree Vijay 18-10-2014 10:44 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Originally Posted by rajnish manga (Post 533221)
Thanks for sharing these cartoons on this Forum. Each one of them capable of detonating a laughter bomb.

Dr.Shree Vijay 18-10-2014 10:47 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Thanks To Dainikbhaskar :

Dr.Shree Vijay 18-10-2014 10:48 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........

Thanks To Dainikbhaskar :

Suraj Shah 21-10-2014 05:33 PM

Re: Laughter is the Best Medicine :.........


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