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rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:13 PM

Story: Oh! How I died
Oh! How I died
- Debashish Mishra (courtsey: Internet)

My marriage was arranged, so I never had a say in it. But I liked her when I saw her the first time. I never thought though that someday I would marry her because of the past between our two families.

I belong to the clan called “Roshanaiee” & my father is the leader of the clan. Although being the leader’s son I was never into these clan stuff. I always thought that it was rubbish. You know something our ancestors left us that we can’t let go.

She was the daughter of the leader of “Tariki” Clan. Yeah she was beautiful but boys from our clan were not allowed to talk to any Tarikis. So I have never tried to have a conversation with her although I found her beautiful.

Our clans have been in conflict since ages, it feels like forever & I didn’t even know why. When I was a kid I asked my father why & the answer I got was “All you need to know is to stay away from the Tarikis.” After that I never tried to question the reason & I guess I fell into the clan’s culture itself.

To end the conflict & Celebrate peace both Clan’s heads decided to Marry us. And by doing that they had hoped to establish peace between both clans. So it happened! I got married!!

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:15 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
It was over six months of our marriage when it started. In Between these times although we lived as a couple we never expressed love to each other. She never said “I love you” neither did I. Although I knew she liked me but I could never tell if it was just that or it was love.

However, after Six months I stared to have nightmares. The same one over & over again. I decide to go to my father to talk about this & probably consult a Psychiatrist over this. “ There were rats all over the house. whenever I killed them all more would come & they destroyed everything in our house. In the end I would always hide & There would always this rat who would come to me & say “I knew I would find you here. Now we will be together!” .” I said to my father. “Since when are you having these nightmares?” He asked. “Every day since two weeks now” I replied.

Then he just stood there for a minute & Said “Hmm” followed by a nod & asked me not to tell anyone about this. I thought Probably he was ashamed that his son, the leader’s son is complaining to him about some nightmare & he thinks I am just weak. But who else could I talk to. I had no mother! She died during giving birth to me or to my wife who never showed any love for me, That’d be just pointless. So I decided to keep it to myself & find a solution….

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:18 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
It had been five more days now & I was still having those nightmares. In between these days I had consulted a Psychiatrist & he had given me some meds which didn’t seem to be working. That day my father called me to his clan office. As soon as I arrived there the guard said “Your father is in a clan meeting” I ignored him and went inside. My dad was talking something to the people when he saw me & indicated the others to leave. When everyone left he pointed his finger towards a chair & said “Son! sit down…I need to talk something with you.” I followed his words like an obedient son. “ The other day you told me about your nightmares…” He said…”Yes! I have consulted a psychiatrist & am taking some meds” I replied.

He looked at me & took a pause for a minute & then he came near me & placed his hand on my shoulder & said “ Son! I looked into the matter & it seems that some black magic is being done on you…” As soon as I heard that I was disgusted & was thinking “Oh! no… not this crap again”. Magic & stuff has been something my people really believe in. They always think everything in this world has to have something with a higher power. “Dad! not this again…you know I don’t believe in these stuff. “I said. His face got serious, “You think I am talking nonsense boy!” he replied angrily.

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:20 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
Then quickly adjusting himself he said “You think I do not care about you, all I care about is my clan & my people.” “But you are wrong! you are my son…. I have always been worried about you & also besides that you are this clan’s future. you will be the successor of me & lead this clan” “ But Black magic is just…” “ You come with me & try something I say if it doesn’t work the you are free to do whatever you want” He said cutting my words… I realized that there is no point in arguing with him as I can’t change his beliefs which he has been following since forever. So I said “Yes, Okay!”

It was after 3:00 as I remember when my dad called me to take me somewhere. He had advised me before not to tell about this to anyone & I also had followed his orders. We took the Car & went to a place middle of the woods nearby. The place was surrounded by trees expect for circular place in the middle of which there was a stone & a pyre burning next to it.

I soon recognized the place to be our ancestral ritual ground. I used to come there with my father to pay homage to our ancestors when I was kid. We walked towards the pyre & sat in two square shaped mats. Soon after some people came among which many I knew to be major clan members which I had met before. They all came and sat in a circular manner surrounding us the way that there was a path left in the middle leading to me & father in the middle.

“Don’t be afraid, Son.” My father said & started chanting something. I closed my eyes as I was directed.

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:22 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
It had been 2 hours & it didn’t seem to be working. In between I kept peeking to see if there is something coming & There was nothing. I was kind of bored & frustrated with the fact that I agreed to the nonsense of magic & now I have to endure this for god knows how long.

It was approximately 5:00 by my guess when we heard rumbling in the woods. Soon after we saw a black smoky figure coming towards us. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. I thought I was hallucinating. All my non-belief towards magic & ghosts & the paranormal had been sliced through the middle. There it was…Coming towards us. “I will recite something & you just follow me & then keep chanting…” My father said to me “Stay calm, son…I am with you” he said…. with my astonishment of the fact that the paranormal is real I turned my head towards him & Just nodded….

It was nearing us & I could see it …

Within the smoky figure which was shaped like a spirit of a Human except it had no hand or legs just smoke…there was something which seemed like face with two red glowing things in between which seemed like eyes. When it was almost near me i could see that the face was a mask which was blood red in color & had black markings on it…And yes the eyes…the eyes were red & glowing…Something I had only seen in Horror movies. As it was coming to us the fire started going dim. So that I could only see shadows of other people & One half of my father….

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:31 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
“Here it comes….” my father said in a low voice. The shadow came & just started hovering in front of me…Needless to say I was scared. I could hear my heart pounding. It seemed like countless dynamites were going off inside my chest. “Grab it son!” My father screamed…Without thinking anything in the impulse I reached the shadow & grabbed something which I think was a part of the shadow & started pulling it towards me….

“Follow & repeat my words son… exactly as I say it” My dad said in a hurry…with all my horror I could only utter “Yes! “…”Shiva Namah” “Shiva Namah” “Am Tham” “Am Tham” “Nasi Masi” “Nasi Masi”… I kept chanting those words as fast as I could…I didn’t think twice & just kept chanting….

As I was chanting the words I saw that the shadow was shrinking & wrapping itself in my arms at the same time. I could hear it making noises which I thought was screams… The screams that one without any vocal power will make….

I was fifteen minutes into the chanting & The shadow was almost shrunk & I could see the mask beside my palms…the rest of the shrunken shadow was covering my arm …wrapped itself completely on my right arm…. I kept changing the words & I could hear some crackling sound…I gathered my courage & looked at the mask & It was cracking…. within no time the mask broke off & I could see the face lied within…The face left me in horror & astonishment…

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:33 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
As soon the mask fell of i saw the face & It was the girl I Married…The face of someone who was living in my house… sleeping in my bed…. A person…….A thing which was living with me for over six months now….
“Keep Chanting …!!!” My father screamed as he looked at the face of his daughter in law behind the mask…. With all my astonishment i looked at my father whose face I would barely see….”Do it!” he Screamed…. & The words suddenly Came from my mouth were “ Shiva Nama, Am Tham, Aasi Masi” As soon as I said that I heard laughter…. I looked towards my hand & the She had released itself…Laughing in front of me… She then turned back & started going back into the wood fast…leaving a “Swoosh” sound behind it…

My father got up quickly & started chasing her…And the rest of the clan members followed…. I too got up & started running with my father with no idea of what to do next…As we were chasing the ghost my dad handed me a knife which look like some kind of Kirpan which was made in gold & Had engravings on it. “Grab it! chant the words again & stab it Son!” My father said… “Yes!” I replied…

“I always knew those Tariki bastards couldn’t live in peace with us” he said…”They wanted to kill my son…my son” He screamed in anger while chasing the shadow…His words got to me & now even I was starting feel angry…My fear of the ghost was gone & all I had left is anger now….

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:34 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
We chased her though the woods & it seemed like she was running towards her home…we entered Tarikis clan’s territory chasing her. It was early morning now & some people from their clan were also out on the street by now. When they saw us running after something they also followed us …. the reason for them running after us I did not know….

Soon after that I finally managed to grab her again…. She was in my arms now & this time I wasn’t letting her go. So I chanted the words again as loud as I could. Then I screamed in anger & Stabbed her with the knife. As soon as I did that a blast followed & the after-effects threw me away. I landed on my back some feet from her…within mere a second the clan members from her side caught up with us…both male & female & ran towards her…As if they all already knew it was her & were aware of the plan all along.

In the front there was a girl …by this time the effects of the blast which was like a ring of smoke started coming inwards & the girl was caught in it…The girl stood there for a minute as I watched with astonishment & then started laughing. She turned to me & somehow I knew…I knew it was her…The girl was possessed…. She just laughed at me & said “I am not going anywhere without my Beloved! “& In a flash she came toward me & Put her hands on my chest.You know how they say when you die everything goes in slow motion.

Well… That seemed true at the moment…

I could not feel pain…although a hole was ripped in my chest…I only felt myself falling….

I Could see my father running towards me as the lights started to fade. I wanted to say “Dad! Please help me…. I don’t want to die…”

“Save me…” All I Could say is “Dad” as I felt myself hitting the ground.”
And the lights went out…

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:40 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
I opened my eyes & it was blurry. There was too much light so I couldn’t see anything but I could feel myself moving. It seemed like I was being carried by someone…Then I heard a voice “Oh! You are finally awake ?!” as a face turned towards me covering the light…. I could tell that it was a lady… I could feel her hair on my face…

As the light started to trim down & I could see…I saw a face of an old lady who had an pale skin & gray eyes…Her un-attained hair was falling on my face. I soon recognized that it was the old lady who took care of me when I was a kid.

As she was walking while carrying me I had the feeling that I was a baby in the current time. & I had the feeling that I was growing…Very fast. She took a few steps forward & put me on the ground. within mere moments I was grown to the age of a 7 years old. She then held my hand and started walking again. As I was walking I turned down to see my feet & they were growing fast to the age of a much younger man. I assumed that I was growing to the age when I died.

After a brief period of walking we soon reached a house which seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere only with a tree beside it. I looked back to see where we came from & there was nothing except heavy fog. I turned to the old lady & asked “I am dead! aren’t I?” to which she chuckled & said “ Death is a matter of perception. But as of now… Yes! You are!” This must be the afterlife or limbo I thought…

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:42 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
“Come with me” The old lady said interrupting my thought… without any clue I followed her into the house & I could see a girl sitting on some kind of Stool or something. As I neared her I recognized her as the girl I married. The shadow… The ghost who killed me. I was horrified & astonished…with my horror I tried to run away but the old lady grabbed my hand & said “ Sit” indicating towards a chair.

“You know…I said I wouldn’t leave without you” she said with a smile on her face…As I tried to say something…she again said “I am not a witch here…So your chants aren’t going to work” “You gave up your life to kill me? “ I said with anger…”What did you gain by doing this??” “You are dead as well” I asked. “Death is a matter of perception child” The old woman replied instead of her. “It was my duty to do this …But as I failed & died before fulfilling my duties she took it upon herself to fulfill the task” She said looking at me with a smile.

“So what about the marriage? “ I asked “ The marriage was a setup to achieve the goal “ the old lady said again while the girl was just looking at me with a smile… “Why?” I asked the old lady. “To your why… I think you have the answer. There is no more answer then that!” she said…”For the clan? “I asked… “Yes” the old lady said while turning away from me…

rajnish manga 30-04-2018 03:44 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
“I am going outside this house” I said in disgust… “Yeah….go wherever you want…It’s not like you can leave this place…” they both replied while laughing…

I came outside & sat by the tree…. except the house there was nothing there but fog…Everywhere I looked I found fog. “Is this hell?!”

I said to myself. I thought this is it. I am going to suffer here for all eternity. I was feeling anger & sadness at the same time. All my life flashed before my eyes like a video in fast forward. As I was in my thoughts I Saw a figure of light. It was moving in & out of the fog in a repetitive manner. I got up & walked towards it. When I came near what seemed like the starting of the fog. The light figure came out of it again. Only this time I could see a small girl in the light. “Your time is not over yet” she said while I just stood there blank of any thoughts.

“Follow me “ She said while going into the fog again & I followed. As she was moving through the fog a path was being cleared for me to follow. After a brief moment of walking she stopped. I went in front her to look & saw a big gate some steps away from it. “Follow the path & stay on it!” she said before disappearing into the fog again.

rajnish manga 01-05-2018 10:39 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
With awe I took a step forward when I heard a voice “NO! YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!” I turned back & the old lady was coming towards me only this time she had a similar appearance to the shadow which I faced before I died… I took quick steps & opened the gate & I saw a path of light & i started running. I could feel the old lady following …. I turned to look while running & there she was in her shadow figure coming fast…I paced myself trying to get away from her as the lights got brighter & I felt I hit something…
And everything went black again….
-- x --

When I Opened my eyes everything was a blur & there was light Again. So for a moment I was back there again…Until… I saw the sun.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. “How could I be??!! Is this real?!!” I said to myself. I Could see green leaves all around me & above me I could see the blue sky. I Slowly got up & found myself in a rice field. The time must be after noon I figured.

rajnish manga 01-05-2018 10:40 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
I stared walking to find the nearest road i could find so that I could find where I am & then find a way to get home. I was feeling So many things at the same time Joy, Confusion, Excitement!! I soon found a road & started following it. I thought of getting a lift but it was hot & no was on that road. So I kept walking….

After an hour of walking I heard engine sounds. I turned back to look & I saw a bike coming towards me from a distance. I Stopped & waved my hand hoping that whoever it was will give me a life to the town nearby.

As the bike came near me…I could see the riders & it was guys that I knew. A guy who was my classmate once & His brother whom also I knew. They came & stopped ahead of me & just stayed there. Maybe because they recognized me & were horrified. Who wouldn’t be. I was dead! I ran to them & said “Hey! Where …. are you…. guys going….” very awkwardly as i knew they were horrified.

They both turned to look at me probably just to confirm their doubt. As soon as they saw me The brother got down from the bike in shock & just stood there…My friend thought he almost dropped his bike but adjusted himself & stayed there like a statue. Not a word coming out from his mouth. “Snap out of it man!” I said to which he replied nothing and just kept looking at my face. “Get out of it! It’s me your friend…Give me a lift” i said…He said nothing and just followed what I said… I got in his bike & said “ Grab your brother”. He also sat down on the bike & we started heading towards the nearest town…

rajnish manga 01-05-2018 10:43 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
This all seemed so perfect at the time. I mean the setup. Me being alive, waking up in a field then soon catching a lift from a person I already knew…It seemed to me that I was put there at that place at that time for a reason…Which seemed unknowingly strange. I guess it would seem like that to anyone…But I didn’t care…I was alive again!! And that’s all that mattered…

After sometime of riding together My friend finally managed to utter words “ But You were dead?! How are you…??” “Alive??!!” “I don’t know ….” I replied….” I will tell you whatever I know once we reach a safe place” I said…At that point of time I had no answer to his how? even I didn’t know…Also I had a feeling. It might just be me being scared but I had a feeling that the old lady might just be coming after me…The brother was sitting behind me & hadn’t utter a word since he saw me. I guess he was too shocked & horrified to see a dead person coming back to life…

Soon after we reached the next town & I read the Welcome board every town has to figure out where I am…It appeared that I wasn’t far away from my home…But somehow the idea of going back home gave me the chills…It just felt unsafe at the point…So I decided to go to the nearest railway station to access the situation and the probably decide whether it’s safe or not to go to my hometown…It might seem odd but I just felt that it would be safer to go back to town in a train rather than by road where anyone could see me…

rajnish manga 01-05-2018 10:44 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
So we reached the station & went inside…We found a bench & sat there. “How are you alive. I went to your funeral ??!!” My friend said looking at me with astonishment…”Well its long story” I said & explained everything that happened with me…

“It has been eight months since you were dead …” My friend said…I was shocked to hear this …”But I was there for mere hours” i said to myself… “Maybe if I go home & talk with my dad… He might be able to give me some answers” I said looking at The brother to which he replied nothing…”Your Father…….” “Yes ……” my friend said…. I knew the both were horrified…So to lighten them up I said “Man are you hungry? I am hungry as hell…. I haven’t eaten anything since eight months it seems” letting out an awkward laugh…

We were just roaming around in the station looking for good food to eat when the brother walked to a place & finally said “This place has good food.” I walked there & started looking up the menu which was kind of pasted on the wall. Soon after i decide to order a ‘Veg Roll’ For me while my friend & his brother denied by saying they weren’t hungry. In the meantime, my food was getting ready my friend went to the nearby store & ordered some Soda for the three of us & cig for himself. “Do you want one?” my friend said gesturing to offer me a cigarette. “I need to live first …Then I will think of dying.” I replied. I do not know why I said that to offend the person who was offering me help.

We finished out sodas & it was then I heard this voice in my head “They will come for you…They know you are here”

rajnish manga 01-05-2018 10:52 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
I said to my friend “I can’t stay in one place for long. They will come for me.” “Who?! The people from the other clan??” My friend asked to which I nodded.Soon after we decided that we will split & they will go to my dad to give him the news about me as no one knew that they were with me while I find someplace in the station to Hide & stay safe. So that my father could come & find me.

I looked at the Station clock & It was almost 7 when my friend & his brother left. I then proceeded to find some place to hide. I was just roaming around when I saw this girl who was selling toys come to me. “Do you want to buy some toys?” she asked me reaching me with a toy in her hand. “No…”I replied…”Why? These are good toys.” she asked trying to sell me the toy “I don’t have much money to buy the toy” I replied. As I neither the money nor the interest to buy that toy. But something about her though. Something about her just got me. As soon as I said that she turned away from me saying “Your loss…These are really good toys.” I don’t know why but I just followed her. Soon after she went to a House like structure I look up & read ‘Public Toilet’. inside there was a table & a lady was sitting there. It looked like she was managing the place. The girl just went up to her & said “No sell today!” the lady looked up and soon as she saw me she said “and Who is this?”. The girl turned & saw me. “why are you following me? You said you didn’t want toys?” she asked while putting her hands on the table.

rajnish manga 01-05-2018 10:54 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
“Actually I need help. And I just felt that you will help me.” I replied. “Help?! What kind of help?” she asked. “Some guys are after me & I need a place to hide…” I said. “why are they after you?” The lady asked while getting up. I cooked up some lie & told them that the half truth about the clan fights and things as I felt that if I told them the truth they would obviously think me being a crazy person & then there would be no chance of getting help…

After hearing my story, the lady said “You can hide in the ladies Washroom. No man will go to look for a guy in the ladies’ washroom” To which I nodded & said thanks.

Soon after I went & hid inside a cabin inside the washrooms I head noises…It sounded like the lady was fighting with someone. Then I heard footsteps by which I could tell the person was coming inside. And i knew whoever it was came for me. By the footsteps I could tell that the person was searching for me. After a few rounds it came in front of my cabin & just stopped there. I tried to peek from down below the door & could see legs wearing shoes so I knew that it was a man. The man just stopped there in front of me Maybe he was just waiting for me to come out.

rajnish manga 01-05-2018 10:56 PM

Re: Story: Oh! How I died
Soon after the man started patrolling again & Stopped somewhere & screamed “Lady! what’s here” I could hear running footsteps now… I assumed it was the lady & the girl. “Nothing It’s just an old drainage pipe.” I heard the lady saying. After that I heard sounds by which I could tell that The guy was opening the floor panels. Soon after I heard the lady saying “Come out! He went inside…” I came out the girl said “Quickly get out before he comes back. We will handle the rest.”
I ran out of the public toilet. By now I didn’t know where I was running to. I found stairs & I climbed that. Soon after that I fainted & hit the ground.

I woke up Next morning & Found myself on the rooftop of a building. I looked down to see & found that i was still at the station Just at the rooftop of the building. I saw some Guys wearing uniforms gathering some people & asking them Questions. I could tell that they were asking about me. A voice rose from the crowd Saying “Why? Who was the person…” To which someone in the uniform said………

“He is from a reality show Called “OH! HOW I DIED…” “He is the lead actor & the show was supposed to be in a real location with real people. In between the show he started acting strange & we assume that he lost his mind. He does not know what is real anymore & believes that the things from the show is real.”

I looked down & saw some guys with cameras coming out of places……
Is It true?
Is it true what they are saying?
Am I just going Crazy?

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