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naina patel 18-12-2012 05:25 PM

The Universal Light - God is one

GOD's Words...

You have called Me by many names:

Shiva, Jehovah, Allah, God...
You have Built temples and Churches to Me.
You have searched for ME on pilgrimages and in nature.
you have worshipped Me in many forms
Yet you do not know Me.

You not see Me with your physical eyes.
My form is of divine light, like shining star.
I reside in a timeless dimension beyond this material world.
You too once resides with Me in that Supreme Abode of peace.

Your form is also like Mine - a subtle, eternal, divine point of light .
You came onto this worldly stage to play a part through the body
And have become lost in playing your part-
Forgetting yourself, Me and your sweet, eternal Home of golden silence


When this drama of life come to close
I incarnate to free you from the chains of attachment and ignorance
And to take you back with Me to the Supreme Abode.
My incarnation is divine, unique and incognito.

I am ever pure, ever blissful, ever loving, ever free.
You are originally like Me and you belong to Me always.
When you recognize Me accurately and focus your thoughts on Me,
You come back to Me.

I am your long forgotten Supreme Parent.
My relationship with you is eternal.
Remember who you are. Remember your Home. Remember Me.

rajnish manga 18-12-2012 06:19 PM

Re: The Universal Light - God is one
[QUOTE=naina patel;196615]

The Universal Light

Wonderful! You have presented the eternal and universal message 'God is One' so beautifully, Naina ji. This is the basis of our age old culture which has given us the mantra of 'VASUDHAIV KUTUMBAKAM', 'SARVE BHAVANTU SUKHINAH ....' and so on. Thanks for this noble beginning.

rajnish manga 18-12-2012 06:38 PM

Re: The Universal Light - God is one

एन एल श्रमण जी का आभारी हूँ कि उन्होंने अनावश्यक विवाद से बचते हुए अपनी टिप्पणी को निरस्त कर दिया है. वास्तव में हम बहु धर्मी समाज में रहते हैं. हम सभी का यह परम कर्तव्य है कि अपने धार्मिक विश्वासों को मानते हुए अन्य धर्मावलम्बियों के प्रति भी सहिष्णुता का बर्ताव रखें. धन्यवाद.

Pragya Sharma 19-12-2012 01:33 PM

Re: The Universal Light - God is one
Yes its true, there is one divine power behind everything. Its just our interpretation in different manner.
Very beautiful message.

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