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Old 13-01-2013, 07:33 AM   #21
Rashmi Rekha
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Default Re: Indian Moral Stories

Mayuura Dhvaja

Knowing that Mayuura Dhvaja caught the divya-ashvam of Yudhishthira who was doing Ashwamedha-yaagam, Krishna-Arjuna reached his Kingdom. Shri Krishna told Arjuna that Mayuura Dhvaja is a Dharmaatma and one of His greatest Bhaktas. So They must be careful while fighting Mayuura Dhvaja. Even Arjuna was not able to handle Mayuura Dhvaja in the Yuddham!! Shri Krishna then Himself came for help.

Mayuura Dhvaja didnt want to fight the Paramaatma, Shri Krishna, but didnt step back from the Yuddham, following Kshatriya-dharmam. So for every arrow he put, he did Shri Krishna naama smarana. Since Bhagavaan always likes getting defeated in the hands of His Bhaktas, Shri Krishna Himself could not stand the arrows of Mayuura Dhvaja!!! When Arjuna asked Shri Krishna said “neither your Gaandeevam nor My sudarshana-chakram can harm this Mahaa-bhakta”. Shri Krishna wanted to show everyone the greatness of Mayuura Dhvaja. The next day Shri Krishna and Arjuna went to Mayuura Dhvaja in disguise of Vipras.

Seeing the Vipras, Mayuura Dhvaja said “O Svaami! Please accept my aatithyam and bless me”. Shri Krishna replied “Raaja! We dont have time for that. There is a big problem. After solving that only We can think about other things”. Mayuura Dhvaja replied “Svaami! Please tell me what is Your difficulty. I will try my best to solve it. If required I am ready to give away my life”. Shri Krishna, who was in Vipra-vesham, replied “Raaja! When We were coming through a forest, a tiger caught My son and ate him. After it ate half, aakaasha-vaani said that if I get half shariiram of Mayuura Dhvaja and give it to the tiger, then I will get back My child. So I came here to ask you to give Me putra-bhiksha”.

“Aaha! I became a dhanya. My body is being used to save the life of a small baby. What more do I want? Aarya! please dont think. Cut me into two and give half of my body to the tiger”, pleaded Mayuura Dhvaja! He at once called his Bhaarya and putra and asked them to cut him into two and give hald body to the Vipras. Though they didnt want to, but knowing that the King ordered in order to do a Divya-kaaryam, they started to cut his body.

Krishna-Arjuna became animishas (without flapping eyes) and saw. They saw water-drops falling from the left eye of Mayuura Dhvaja. Just to show the greatness of Mayuura Dhvaja to others, the Sarvagnya, Shri Krishna said “Raaja! One who gives with 100% manastrupti and santosham then only it is called Tyaagam. If you are sad then you need not give. If you shed tears by seeing the pain of others it is Divyatvam; whereas if you shed tears seeing yourself it is Naichyam. Moham is the reason for this. So dont do if you dont like”.

Mayuura Dhvaja, the maha-bhakta of Shri Krishna, replied “Arya! I am not feeling sad to give my body. If really I was feeling sad for that both my eyes will shed tears. My right half of body is only being used for aarta-rakshana; and the left is not. This part is going waste not being of any use to others. Hence the left-eye is shedding tears“.

Shri Krishna then showed His nija-ruupam, gave aashiirvaadam to Mayuura Dhvaja and returned his previous form. Mayuura Dhvaja did saashtaanga-pranaamam aand returned the Yagnya-ashvam.

Mayuura Dhvaja showed us the perfect nirvachanam for the suukti “Paropakaaraartham idam shariiram”.
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Old 13-01-2013, 07:35 AM   #22
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Default Re: Indian Moral Stories


We all know how difficult it was to kill the Tripuraasuras and save the worlds. Mahaavishnu had to take avataar of Buddha (ofcourse not Gautama Buddha) and decrease the power of Tripuraasuras. Then Parameshvara with his Divya-sharam (arrow) killed the Tripuraasuras. This Divya-sharam became Duurvaasa Maharshi, the rushi-shreshtha.

Once he came to Paandava-madiram and smiled. Suddenly he became angry. He asked for aahaaram. Then he said no. Then he ate away all the items made for many, alone. For a while he slept on floor and sometime on hamsa-tuulikaa-talpam (bed). He used to go whenever he wants and come whenever he wants.

One day he asked Shri Krishna “Krishna! I want to eat Paramaannam. Will you give?” Shri Krishna immediately got it prepared and served him. He ate little and asked Shri Krishna to paste the remaining on his body! Mukunda, the Muni-jana-maanasa-vihaara, did as said by the Maharshi. Then he took some Paramaannam and put it on Shri Rukminii Devi! He then tied Her to a Ratham and took Her away. He then started hitting her with a rope. Shri Krishna was running behind the Ratham, but didnt get any Krodham. After sometime, Rukminii Devi fell unconscious. Not taking pity on Her, instead Duurvaasa Maharshi put some sand on Her and ran southwards! Shri Krishna also ran behind him. After going for a long distance, the Maharshi smiled and said

“Krishna! You have won Krodham. Even when I pained Rukminii, who is more priyam to You than Yourself, You didnt get angry. I caused a lot of pain to You all. I also pained Jaganmaata Shri Rukminii Devi. Both of You passed my test. I will give You a Varam — people will love You more than themselves! You will become the Jagat-guru (Shri Krishna gave us Bhagavadgeeta) and Your keerti will remain forever”. Later he went to Shri Rukminii Devi and said

“Amma! You will get asamaana-soundaryam and become a great Pativrata”. Saying this he left the place.

This story was told to Dharmaraaja by Shri Bheeshmaachaarya.

Bheeshmaachaarya continued “Ahimsa, Daanam, Satyam and Sahanam are Paramadharmas. Vijayalakshmi will bless a person who has Sahanam. Shri Krishna is the Paramaatma. Everything is Him. He is the Sarva-gnya. Listen to Him and always go on the path of Dharmam”.

Morals in the Story:
  1. Krodham is one’s greatest enemy. Like Shri Krishna showed us, we must never get Krodham and follow path of Dharma.
  2. Sahanam is a great sad-gunam. A person who has sahanam is respected everywhere. Gandhiji followed this path of Sahanam only and showed us how we can oppose bad just by following Sahanam and Ahimsa.
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Old 13-01-2013, 07:37 AM   #23
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Default Re: Indian Moral Stories

Shri Krishna Leelas -11

This series of stories on Shri Krishna leelas try to bring out some durgunas, commonly found in people, and thus warn us to be away from the same.

Keshi Vadha

Sent by Kamsa, Keshi, came to Brundaavanam in the form of an Ashvam and did Megha-garjanam. Nanda-vrajam shook with Bhayam. Everyone then asked Shri Krishna, the Parandhaama, for Sharanam. Shri Krishna then gave abhayam to them.

Nanda Kishora stood before Keshi. Keshi hit the Paramaatma with his legs. Nothing happened to Shri Krishna; he took Keshi by his legs, swirled and threw him away. Keshi then tried to catch the Yadukula-bhuushana with his tail. Yadusimha instead caught Keshi with his tail, swirled and threw high into the air. Shri Krishna gave mushti-ghaatam when the asura tried to attack Him. For sometime they then did Yuddham on Aakaasham and finally Madhusuudana threw Keshi down. Keshi opened his mouth to swallow Shri Krishna. Yadukula-tilaka then put his hand inside and closed the Navarandhrams of Keshi and Keshi’s Udaram (stomach) bursted. A divya-purusha then came from Keshi’s shariiram and did stotram of the Paramaatma.

Keshi Charitra

Because Devendra did samhaaram of the Vrutraasura, He got Brahma-hatyaa-paatakam. He then did Ashvamedha Yaagam in order to save Himself from the Paapam. However a sevaka of Devendra did Chauryam of the Yagnyaashvam. Knowing this, Devendra gave that sevaka a shaapam to become an asura with Ashva-ruupam. When the sevaka did Pashchaattaapam for his mistake, Devendra said he will get Vimukti after Paramaatma’s Paada-sparsha.

Durgunam to be unlearnt: Chauryam.
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Old 13-01-2013, 07:40 AM   #24
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Default Re: Indian Moral Stories

Shri Krishna Leelas -12

This series of stories on Shri Krishna leelas try to bring out some durgunas, commonly found in people, and thus warn us to be away from the same.
Kuvalayapeeda Bhanjanam

Along with Gopaalakas, Shri Krishna and Balaraamadeva approached the Rangasthalam arranged by Kamsa. Kuvalayapeeda (a Mada-Gajam, elephant) and its Gajaachaarya were ready to attack Shri Krishna-Balaraama near the Simhadvaaram.

Seeing Balaraama-Krishna, the Hasti-paalaka directed Kuvalayapeeda to attack Them. Shri Krishna asked the Hasti-paalaka to give Them way to go in. However the Gajaachaarya didnt listen. Shri Krishna then warned them that if they dont give way, they will go to Yamapuri. Still Gajaachaarya didnt stop Kuvalayapeeda.

With its trunk, Kuvalayapeeda lifted Paramaatma into the air. Not able to bear His weight, it threw Him down. Shri Krishna then crawled under it and started playing Chatuh-stambha-Kriida (a famous game with 4 pillars).

Because a Hasti has good Ghraana-shakti (sense of smell), it turned the way Paramaatma went during His Kriida (play). However it was not able to catch Him. Nanda-kishora then started to hang from its tail and swing.

Kuvalayapeeda got tired. Paramaatma used to hit it once and run away then repeat and play like this. After playing for sometime like this, Parandhaama stood before it. It tried to stamp Him with its feet. When it tried to poke Him with its Dantam (tusks), Shri Krishna disappeared and hence Kuvalayapeeda’s Dantam got stuck in the ground. Paramaatma caught the Trunk of Kuvalayapeeda, who was rushing towards Him in anger, swirled and hit it against the ground! With aarta-naadam, Kuvalayapeeda died. Paramaatma then pulled out one of its tusks and killed the dushta Gajaachaarya. Balaraama pulled out the other and a Divya-purusha came out from Kuvalayapeeda and became aikyam in Paramaatma.

Kuvalayapeeda Charitra

Mandagati was the putra of the great Vishnu-bhakta Bali Chakravarti. He learnt sakala-shaastras. He has great Balam; however had great Bala-garvam, Ahankaaram. Once he went to Shri Ranga Yaatra. He was like a huge Mada-gajam and started to walk without noticing the other Yaatrikas. Some Yaatrikas fell under his legs and lost their lives. Still, with Bala-garvam and Mada-unmattam, Mandagati continued his Yaatra. Tritunda, a Vruddha Maharshi, also fell under the feet of Mandagati.

“During Shri Ranganaatha Utsavam you pushed me down. Become an asura with Gaja-ruupam” said Tritunda Maharshi. When Mandagati had pashchaattapam, Maharshi said “because of fighting with Paramaatma in Dvaapara-yugam, you will get Vimukti”. That Mandagati became Kuvalayapeeda, given by Devendra to Kamsa.

Durgunam to be unlearnt: Bala-garvam, Ahankaaram.
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Old 13-01-2013, 07:41 AM   #25
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Default Re: Indian Moral Stories

Shri Krishna Leelas -13

This series of stories on Shri Krishna leelas try to bring out some durgunas, commonly found in people, and thus warn us to be away from the same.

Chaanuura-Mushtika Vadha

After Kuvalayapeeda vadha, Balaraama-Krishna came near Chaanuura-Mushtika. Different people saw different Rasas (Navarasas+Bhakti rasam) in Paramaatma, Shri Krishna:
  • Yoddhas saw Raudra-rasam
  • Madhuraa-nagara Vanitas saw Shrungaara-rasam
  • Shriidaama and other Gopaalaka-mitras of Shri Krishna saw Haasya-rasam
  • Nanda-aadi saw Dayaa-rasam
  • Shatru-raajas saw Veera-rasam seeing Shri Krishna who looked like Yama
  • Kamsa experienced Bhaya-rasam seeing Shri Krishna who looked like Mrutyudevata
  • Normal people felt aashcharya-rasam
  • Praakrutas saw Bheebhatsa-rasam
  • Gnyaanis saw Shaanta-rasam
  • Gopikas and Yaadavas saw Prema, Bhakti rasam
Chaanuura-Mushtika announced “we have bala-paraakramam. It is not wrong if we show it to Balaraama-Krishna”. Paramaatma replied “O Yoddhas! We are baalakas. You are Mahaa-balas. Will the people accept this adharma-yuddham”? Chaanuura replied “You are not a baalaka. You are a Mahaa-bala in baalakas. You did Vadha of Kuvalayapeeda. So this is Dharma-yuddham”.

With Chiru-mandahaasam, Balaraama-Krishna accepted for Yuddham. Nagara-vanitas thought “This is not Dharma-yuddham. Kamsa cannot escape punishment for doing such an akrutyam. If we have any adrushtam, may Balaraama-Krishna win the Yuddham”. Everyone wanted Balaraama-Krishna to win.

Ghora-yuddham started. They were hitting, fighting, jumping, throwing each other. However Balaraama-Krishna always had chiru-mandahaasam on their face. Paramaatma hit Chaanuura hard. Chaanuura then hit hard on the pavitra Vaksha-sthalam of Shri Krishna. Nothing happened to Paramaatma. He took Chaanuura by his shoulders, swirled and smashed hum onto the ground. Chaanuura lost his life. Balaraama svaamy gave a hard mushti-ghaatam on the back of Mushtika. Bleeding, Mushtika died. Brothers of Chaanuura-Mushtika then attacked Balaraama-Krishna and got killed. The Tejas of them entered Paramaatma. The claps (Kara-taala-dhvani) of the praja reached the skies.

Chaanuura-Mushtika Charitra

In Amaraavati nagaram, there lived a Bhuusurottama by name Udandha. He had 5 putras. They didnt listen to the hita-vaakyas of their Maata, Pita, didnt follow aachaaram and started to learn how to use aayudhams, do Yuddham. Udandha said “O dushtas! We are Vipras and hence must always have Shaantam, Daya and do Tapas. In addition to leaving these, you took to Para-dharmam. All 5 of you be born as asuras and become Yoddhas”. After they had pashchaataapam, Udandha said that they will get Vimukti after fighting with Shri Krishna in Dvaapara-yugam.

Durgunam to be unlearnt: Not respecting Maata, Pita and not following Svadharmam and Sadaachaaram.
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Old 13-01-2013, 07:43 AM   #26
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Default Re: Indian Moral Stories

Govardhana Giri Puuja

Bhaarateeyas always respected Nature and their fellow living creatures. Bhuuta-daya was the foremost in our Saampradaayam. Infact they do puuja of Prakruti assuming its Parameshvarii’s ruupam.

Gopaalakas used to every year do Indra-yaagam. Seeing this Paramaatma, Shri Krishna, who then was 7 years old, said “O Nandaraaja! What is the reason behind doing Indra-yaagam”?

Nandaraaja replied “Krishna! Yagnya-yaagams are a way of showing Krutagnyata. We show our Krutagnyata to Devatas, Devendra. A Krutagnya only deserves help and not a Krutaghna. Hence if we do Indra-Yaagam, Devatas will help us, leading to Loka-hitam”.

Nandakishora replied “Devatas alone do not give Phala-siddhi. One’s Karma (what good and what bad he did) is the main reason for Phala-siddhi. Hence one must always follow his Sva-dharmam. With Bhagavat-bhakti, Dharma-kaaryams must be done.
This Prakruti is what we see directly, and Paramaatma, Devendra, Devatas are who we cannot see. Hence leaving this Pratyaksha-daivam, Prakruti, is not correct. We all live under this Govardhana-giri. For us this Govardhana and Gomaatas are Pratyaksha-daivams. Gomaatas, Viprottamas, Saadhus, Vedams are all Puujaniiyam. This Pavitra Govardhana Giri came from Mahaavishnu’s Vakshasthalam and brought here by Pulastya muni. Hence let us do pooja of this Govardhana giri and Gomaatas. This is My abhimatam (wish)”.

Sannanda, one of the greatest Vruddhas replied “Nandanandana! What You spoke are Amruta vaakyams. You are Gnyaana-svaruupa, Paramaatma. Your words are Shirodhaaryam for us (must be followed by us). Please tell us how to do Govardhana-giri puuja”?

Paramaatma replied “Taata! We must clean the bhuu-bhaagam near the Giri-paadam, purify with Gomayam. Then must put beautiful Rangoli on it.

With all puujaa-dravyams, we must do Shodashopachaara pooja as told in Shaastrams. Abhishekams must be done with Triveni-sangama-jalam, Go-ksheeram. After Deepaaraadhana, we must do Giri-pradakshinams and Namaskaarams. We must then do Naivedyam. After Neeraajanam, we must do Go-puuja and then do many Daanams”. Every one became enthusiastic. They were longing to start the Giri-puuja.

Shri Krishna then continued “before coming for puuja, do all your Kartavyams (duties) and then only come. Do not leave Vruddhas hungry in the house and come. Feed the Vruddhas, baalakas first. Feed the Gomaatas, pashu-pakshis (cattle, brids), Shunakams (dogs), other domestic animals and then come”.

On a Shubha-vaasaram, all Gopaalakas did as told by Shri Krishna, decorated themselves, Gomaatas and came in huge numbers to do Govardhana-giri puuja. Nandaraaja, Yashodaa Devi, Rohinii Devi, Balaraama-Krishna, Garga Maharshi came. Navanandas and Vrushabhaanu brought Raadhaa Devi in a Suvarna-aandolika (golden palaquin).

Devatas, Apsaras, Raajarshis, Maharshis many came. Paarvatii-Parameshvara also came to see the Divya-puuja. After puuja, Govardhana Giriraaja appeared with Chaturbhujas and gave His anugraham to the Vraja-vaasis. Everywhere people were shouting “Jayaho Shri Krishna Paramaatma, Jayaho Govardhana Giriraaja”.

Morals in the Story:
  1. Destroying Natural resources, Nature was never Bhaarateeyata. They infact used to do puuja of Prakruti assuming it as Aadi-shakti. This was well shown in the story through the words of Shri Krishna.
  2. Bhaarateeyas also believed in Bhuuta-daya. As Shri Krishna said, Bhuuta-daya is one of their Kartavyams. Shri Krishna asks Gopaalas to feed Vruddhas, Baalakas, other domestic animals and then only come for pooja.
  3. The Amruta-vaakyams of Shri Krishna must never be forgotten. One must never leave his Sva-dharmam.
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Old 13-01-2013, 07:45 AM   #27
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Default Re: Indian Moral Stories

Poundareeka Vaasudeva

Poundareeka was the Raaja of Karuusha desham. He always used to try to imitate Shri Krishna. He used to dress like Shri Krishna, wearing Piitaambaram, carrying Venu and Shikhi Pichchham (peacock’s feather) on the kiriitam (crown). He also got imitations of Sudarshana Chakram, Paanchajanya Shankam, Koumodaki Gada, Padmam, Shaarnga Dhanuh (bow). He also put a mark on his Vakshasthalam and said it is Kaustubham.

Though he was doing all this, Shri Krishna, the Purushottama, never got Krodham. He thought may be atleast by imitating My outward appearance, his internal behaviour will change.

But no. Poundareeka was no Bhakta to imitate outward appearance of Shri Krishna and change his buddhi. Infact, he started saying he is the “true Vaasudeva”, not Shri Krishna. He used to tell everybody, with Ahankaaram, that He is Paramaatma not Shri Krishna.

Sarvagnya, Shri Krishna, even then didnt get any Krodham. He tolerated the duushanams of Poundareeka. However once with Garvam, Poundareeka went to the extent of imprisoning Parama Bhakta and sakha of Shri Krishna, Sudaama.

Bhagavaan can tolerate anything but not His Bhaktas being tortured. He immediately reached Poundareeka, did his samhaaram and saved Sudaama, His priya-mitra. Once again God proved that He is a Bhakta-sulabha.

Morals in the Story:
  1. Imitating, following Mahaapurushas is good, but following Them fully is very very difficult. Poundareeka could only imitate outward appearance but not the Dharma-buddhi of Shri Krishna.
  2. Ahankaaram is the root cause for one’s destruction. With Ahankaaram, Poundareeka thought he was only God, behaved like a Kruura and imprisoned Bhakta Sudaama.
  3. The greatness of a Bhakta is well shown in the story. Shri Krishna didnt get angry with Poundareeka until he tortured His bhakta, Sudaama.
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